Down to the last box. She couldn’t believe it, not a thing broken, not a thing missing. All those fragile wine glasses, precious fine china teacups, all intact after three months of sea travel, various up loadings and offloading’s.
Lord you’ve carried us and all our things so far, your care for us is amazing!
The last box is opened, the last package picked up. There’s an ominous rattle. Oh no! The VW cup lies smashed in pieces.
But why Lord, just this one, just this last one?
‘It doesn’t matter Mum, I won’t miss it,’ the owner of the mug says.
But it matters.
She tosses and turns and finally gets up as mosquitos whine around her ears and sleep evades.
My daughter, does it all have to be perfect?
It would make a better story, she answers back.
Are you perfect?
She thinks of the struggles she constantly faces, the daily failures. The frustration and anger and the hurt she causes.
No, not perfect at all.
Daughter, the better stories are written through brokenness, struggle and pain. Will you let me write the story?
She thinks of her kids, how she wants to control it all, make it easy, not see them suffer. Oh it hurts to see them suffer!
She holds that broken VW mug in her hands, still wrapped in the packing paper.
But it will never fulfill its purpose, she thinks.
Ah but can’t you see? This was its purpose. To be broken for you. To set you free from striving to be perfect. To set you free from wanting perfect for your kids.
Fancy your purpose being to be broken. She sees the arms stretched out. This is my body, broken for you. She sees the broken vessel, no longer able to contain its life. This is my blood, shed for you.
Take, eat, drink, remember and believe.
Resurrection, freedom, life comes from broken things. The only One who is perfect, broken for all imperfections.
I believe.
Diana Primrose says
Such an apt story, Alison. Thank you.
alison.bury says
Thanks Diana!
Ada says
So sad for the broken vw mug but so glad for our Saviour’s broken body for us so we can be free and have life forever! Thanks for another great story darling! Such perfect timing! Happy Easter!
Annelies Smeekes says
Dear Alison, another lessen for all to realise that we do live in a broken world, and sometimes hold on to the the material things because it resembles our joy and pride and sometimes for sentimental reasons and if the break it hurts us and we get angry. But really it doesn’t matter because as believers we know that Christ who totally gave up his life for us and paid the ultimate price on the Cross because He loved us so much. One day we will have eternal life with Him and we can’t take our material things with us. Our brokenness will be made whole again. What a blessing. Have a wonderful Easter with you family. Love you heaps and a great story to live by.
alison.bury says
Thanks dear Auntie! Our brokenness will be made whole again – isn’t that just the best news ever! Love you!
alison.bury says
Thanks Mum! Missing giving you a squeeze right now.
Caz says
So beautiful Al. Thanks for sharing the simple broken yet profound message of Jesus. Blessings
alison.bury says
Thanks Caz, hope your Easter was super special!
Maureen Etherington says
Another touching story with such a beautiful message. Thank you, Alison. You challenge and encourage me each time.
alison.bury says
Dear Maureen, looking at the news of the cyclone in the Solomons makes me think of you. Were your people badly affected?